Jupiter, FL area residents know that many of the winter months are usually warm enough to require air conditioning. With the almost constant AC usage in this part of Florida, you’re going to need to keep an eye on your HVAC filters. No one wants their indoor air to become unhealthy, increasing their reactions due to allergies or asthma.
Filters Use MERV Ratings to Designate Effectiveness
The Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating on each filter is designed to help home and business owners make the right choice for their particular needs. The ideal range for most residential dwellings is MERV 7-12, which should be adequate enough to filter out most dust spores, bacteria and pet dander. If homeowners go much higher than 12, they may actually experience complications due to airflow resistance.
The Wrong Filter will Reduce HVAC Efficiency
HVAC filters play a much bigger role than simply providing better indoor air quality. If you don’t get the right filters for your home, you’ll end up with reduced HVAC efficiency. This can increase your energy costs and make it difficult to effectively cool the entire house. Keep in mind that MERV 13-16 works great in a large hospital setting but isn’t appropriate for most homes.
Frequent Filter Changes Are Vital
You should frequently change your HVAC filters, no matter how big or small your house is. Be sure to check the manufacturer’s estimated lifespan for each filter and act accordingly. Please note that higher MERV ratings require the most frequent changes. In fact, any home or business with filters on the higher end of the MERV ratings scale should change them out at least one every three months. Failure to do so can easily lead to airflow issues and larger energy bills.
Do you need assistance with your filters or any other HVAC related issues? Visit our HVAC services page to learn about our professional solutions. You can also reach us by phone at (561) 575-2173.